Pizza with Santa!

I visited the annual Pizza with Santa event hosted by the Kiwanis of the Western Reserve on Saturday, December 2. Kiwanis members were on hand at Fellowship Hall in the Hiram Christian Church to serve pizza and refreshments to participants. Football players from Hiram College teamed up to man the Secret Santa Shop. An Elf Crafts area was setup for kids to make ornaments, frost cookies, and decorations. Of course Santa was the main draw. He was personified by a remarkable gentleman whose presence seemed larger than life. He filled the event with personality, charisma, good cheer, laughter, and an incredible booming voice. Children of all ages spent time talking with Santa and discussing their Christmas lists. Santa treated each person he engaged with as the most important person in the room. A truly inspirational morning for everyone in attendance. Photographically there was very little staging involved. I pretty much let the pictures come to me rather than chasing after them. Thanks all for posing!

Written and photographed by Dave Dreimiller

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