Civil War Encampment 2023

Finally posting photos from the Civil War Encampment from May, 2023. The event is staged at Century Village in Burton, Ohio. Reenactors from across the area gather amid the picturesque collection of authentically restored 19th century buildings. While the battle reenactment is the cornerstone of the event, I’m much more drawn to the more mundane scenes of ordinary camp life. There’s a multitude of Civil War era tents, all lined up In neat rows. Each campsite is filled with men, women, and children in period costume. Colorful old flags punctuate the landscape with bright color. The smell of wood smoke from campfires fills the air. And everywhere I look I get the sense of time travel. There is simply no end to the photographic potential. I really love how this event encompasses every one of my senses. I tend to bounce back and forth between general scene photos, and my first love, individual and group portraits. The reactors are as obliging to my posing requests as any group I work with.

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